I have read and agree to the Policies and Waiver of liability as noted below. I confirm that I am legally able to do this on behalf of the student I am registering.
By registering to class you affirm that you are at least 18 years of age or that you are the legal parent/ guardian of the participant and agree on their behalf. You hereby certify that you have read, understand, and agree to the terms and conditions listed below. Cancellation Policy All tuition and fees of any kind are non-refundable for any reason. Classes are purchased exclusively as a full program and are not capable of per hour change and therefor is not proratable or refundable. Photo/Video Policy I am aware that Osipova Ballet Academy is a Performing Arts School with a high visibility on social media and other online platforms. I do hereby consent to and authorize the use and reproduction by the Osipova Ballet Academy, its agents, and employees of any photographs or recordings of me or my child, for any advertising or promotional purpose, now or hereafter known. Such use includes the display or distribution of photographs, images, and/or video that include, but may not be limited to, printed materials (brochures, posters or other print advertising), digital materials (website, e-newsletters, videos or blogs), and social media. I further consent that my name and identity may be revealed therein or by descriptive text or commentary. I furthermore understand that recording of online classes is strictly prohibited and agree not to share, reproduce or distribute any material from class recordings, including recording of any type of in-person classes (observation classes, demonstration classes, in-studio showcases etc.). I do hereby release to Osipova Ballet Academy, its agents, and employees all rights to exhibit this work in print and electronic form publicly or privately and to market and sell copies. I waive any rights, claims, or interest I may have to control the use of my identity or likeness in whatever media used. I understand that there will be no financial or other remuneration for recording me, either for initial or subsequent transmission or playback. I also understand that Osipova Ballet Academy is not responsible for any expense or liability incurred as a result of my participation in this recording, including medical expenses due to any sickness or injury incurred as a result. Assumption of Risk and Waiver of Liability I understand and I hereby acknowledge and agree to the following on behalf of my student and myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and assignees: I may have the opportunity to participate in various activities, including dance classes, workshops, rehearsals, competitions and performances organized by OBA . I will receive information and instruction about dance and other related activities. I understand that by participating in any of these activities, I may be subjected to a variety of hazards and risks, foreseen or unforeseen, which may cause me to suffer property damage, personal injury or death ("Damages"). I know that these Damages can occur due to natural causes, the active or passive negligence of OBA or the negligent or intentional acts of third parties and/or fellow participants. I understand that I should therefore exercise extra care for my own person: I choose to participate in OBA activities, agree to pay the required costs therefore, and voluntarily assume the risks of such Damages occurring while I am participating in OBA activities. OBA may at times deliver participants to various third parties, who are not OBA employees, consultants or affiliates, who will conduct, supervise, guide or instruct participants in various activities. OBA assumes no duty to certify, monitor or verify the qualifications of any third parties involved in these activities. Any concerns regarding the qualifications of any third parties conducting these activities should be directed to the third parties. Participant agrees to release, indemnify and hold harmless OBA for liability for Damages arising out of negligence of such third parties. I recognize that dance and all related activities require intense physical exertion that may be strenuous and may cause physical injury and therefore involve unique risks of Damages, and I am fully aware of the risks and hazards involved. I understand the nature of Marley floors, mobile floor bars and other dance equipment, and the consequences of wearing ballet slippers, pointe shoes, socks or bare feet and other related dance footwear, and I accept full responsibility for my own choice of footwear. I am satisfied with the condition of OBA’s facilities and hereby assume all the risks inherent in the activities there. I voluntarily assume the risks of any and all Damages I may incur at OBA. I understand that dance is a physical activity where the instructor will demonstrate, cue, or correct students in class through the use of verbal descriptions, hands on guided movement/corrections, or videos. The studio policy is appropriate touching only. By signing this policy, you authorize the appropriate touch policy for your student and all instructors of the studio during the student's class for training/correction purposes only. I hereby certify that I have disclosed any and all health-related reasons or problems that may preclude or limit my child's participation in above stated activities. This includes (but is not limited to) disclosure of any allergies, neurological disorders, physical and/or psychological limitations. I further agree that the above Assumption of Risk and Waiver of Liability is intended to be as broad as permitted under California law, and that if any portion thereof is held invalid, it is agreed that all other portions shall continue in full legal force and effect. I have read and understood the above agreement and voluntarily agree to sign this document. If the participant is a minor, this document is to be signed by the minor’s legal guardian. By signing below the minor’s legal guardian indicates that he or she understands that “I” above refers to both him or her and the minor. If OBA is the prevailing party in any legal proceeding either related to or brought under these terms and conditions, it shall be entitled to recover from the parents/legal guardians all costs from such proceeding and reasonable attorneys fees. California law shall govern any disputes between the parties. COVID-19 Liability Waiver I understand that the risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. By attending classes in person at OBA, you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19. You agree to waive any claims of liability against OBA and to hold OBA harmless if your dancer contracts COVID-19, despite our best efforts to prevent it. Additionally, I agree to notify OBA if my dancer or any member of our household contracts COVID-19 or has come into contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. This action will help ensure the utmost safety of our dancers and staff. Insurance and Indemnity You agree to provide health and accident insurance for the student and agree to indemnify OBA, its Directors, Officers, employees, contractors and agents against any claim, loss, liability, damage, cost or expense (including reasonable attorneys fees) arising out of relating to any student accident or health issue. You, on behalf of yourself and the student, hereby agree to release, indemnify and hold harmless OBA, its Directors, Officers, employees, contractors and agents from any and all claim, loss, liability, damage, cost or expense (including reasonable attorneys fees) arising out of or relating to the enrollment, attendance, participation, withdrawal or expulsion from OBA programs of the child which is the subject of this Enrollment Contract, including but not limited to participation in classes, performances, competitions and other OBA activities and events, and anything resulting in any manner from the child's presence on OBA’s property. Medical Emergencies In the event that any serious injury shall occur involving the student, I wish for OBA’s supervisory personnel to take appropriate steps to notify me immediately, but if I am inaccessible for any reason, I authorize whatever medical attention is deemed appropriate for the student. Miscellaneous This Enrollment Contract is personal to you, and may not be assigned without written consent of OBA. This Enrollment Contract may only be amended by a written agreement signed by both parties. If a court or arbitrator of competent jurisdiction holds any term of this Enrollment Contract invalid or unenforceable, such term will be reduced or otherwise modified by such court or arbitrator to the minimum extent necessary to make it valid and enforceable. If such a term cannot be so modified, it will be severed and the remaining terms of this Enrollment Contract will be interpreted in such ways as to give maximum validity and enforceability to this Enrollment Contract. Any waiver of the provisions of this Enrollment Contract or of a party's rights or remedies under this Enrollment Contract must be in writing to be effective. Failure, neglect, or delay by a party to enforce the provisions of this Enrollment Contract or its rights or remedies at any time, will not be construed as a waiver of such party's rights under this Enrollment Contract and will not in any way affect the validity of the whole or any part of this Enrollment Contract or prejudice such party's right to take subsequent action. Unless agreed to in writing, the waiver by a party of any breach, violation, or default of a provision of this Enrollment Contract will not operate as a waiver of any subsequent breach, violation, or default of that or of any other provision. Effectiveness This Enrollment Contract shall become effective only upon OBA’s written acceptance, which shall be acknowledged by OBA’s written Acceptance and/or Confirmation letter.
Yes, I agree
Yes, I agree